Each week, we’ll introduce a new member of our kickass #fitufam. Wanna join the Fit University team? Apply to be an ambassador or start a chapter at your school.

Lillian Huang 

Boston University, Class of 2018 

Preferred form of fitness:
Running outside

Favorite dessert:

Claim to fame:
“I used to run a 13 minute mile.”

Go-to healthy breakfast on a busy day:
If I know I’m going to be super busy that day, I’ll eat scrambled egg whites with chopped vegetables topped with salsa. I can’t forget my coffee either – I always drink it iced with no milk or sugar.

How do you find balance between class, fitness, work, etc.:
I recently purchased a journal from Barnes and Noble, and it seems old fashioned but I find writing down my thoughts and my schedule incredibly helpful. I feel more organized than ever because I write down my academic and work responsibilities, what I ate that day, and even how much I’ve spent.

Favorite workout when you’re short on time:
It’s not my FAVORITE, per se, but if I need a quick, full-body workout, I’ll definitely do burpees until I’m exhausted.

Your #1 tip for staying fit in college:
I think it’s important to cultivate discipline, because unlike motivation, discipline is consistent. It’s super easy to get sidetracked from going to the gym and eating healthy you’re stressed from academics, or worse…when winter approaches. 

Lillian’s recent articles:

I used to run a 13 minute mile

7 ways to get involved in college fitness

No time to workout? 5 easy ways to squeeze in quick, efficient exercises

7 healthy comfort food alternatives

About The Author

Sarah Gaines in the founder Fit University. Her favorite things include weight lifting, yoga, cooking, social media, traveling & ice cream. Personal motivation: changing the college fitness game.

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