As the leaves begin to fall and the temperature starts to drop, the birds go south and your motivation to go to the gym follows. Getting out of your warm bed or leaving your warm room seems like pure torture when a chilly walk and brutal workout is at the end of it. But with these six simple tips, and a little perseverance, you’re sure to beat this sweater weather to be that all-year fit student.

ways to stay motivated to workout when it's cold out

Six ways to stay motivated to workout when it’s cold out:

Wear your workout clothes to bed
Getting out of bed is hard enough, stripping down to change makes it that much worse. If you wear your clothes to bed, you save more time in the morning, and it can make you feel that much more prepared for your workout!

Lay out your gym clothes the night before
If you’d prefer to wear pajamas to bed and leave your gym clothes for the gym, pack your gym bag the night before. Having your gym bag together will save you time and possible frustration. Plus, if it’s already packed its a good reminder that you need to get yo’self to the gym!

Prepare your meals ahead of time
Don’t let the excuse of “cooking a meal” stop you from getting a good workout in. Plan and prepare a quick snack or meal that can fuel your workout without cutting out your exercise time. In addition, having your breakfast prepared the night before your morning workout is one less thing to worry about and something to look forward to!ways to stay motivated to workout when it's cold outDo a little warm up before going
Get your blood flowing a little by doing some type of movement, like jumping jacks, before taking on the cold.

Dress in layers
You may be freezing on your way to the gym, but by the time you’re done with your workout, you’re not going to need a long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, coat AND scarf. Wearing layers make it easy to keep your body as warm as it needs to be. It is still important to bundle up after your workout though!ways to stay motivated to workout when it's cold outDo a home workout
If going to the gym just seems unbearable, or isn’t an option (don’t risk getting frostbite), then do a workout in your room! Try this 30 minute bodyweight workout, in-dorm workout with a friend, no equipment workout or winter workout at home.

About The Author

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been active through sports or some type of outdoor activity. I’ve played sports competitively throughout my life and I transitioned to working out and eating healthy to stay fit a couple years ago. I’ve gone through a lot of mental and physical battles that have been obstacles in my health journey and I want to help others overcome their own road blocks. I want to help students conquer their fears, obstacles, insecurities, etc., to be able to be truly happy and live the healthy life they desire.

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