Some people call me crazy.

We’ve all said it before: “I just wish there were more hours in the day.”

Between classes, work, internships, food, sleep, daily hygiene, relationships, and me-time, it may seem like every day flashes before your eyes due to the volume of activities you have to do. But who’s to say that this isn’t manageable?

With the help of Google Calendar, an alarm clock, and the support of loved ones, it is doable. That’s why I wake up at 4:30 in the morning.

Is it easy? No. But is it worth it? Yes.

Waking up at 4:30 means being awake and productive before the majority of the world is even up making breakfast. Waking up at 4:30 means crossing something off your checklist before 10 AM. Waking up at 4:30 gives you those hours in the day you were asking for, and allows you to sleep peacefully at night knowing that you’ve made the most out of your day.

What’s my motivation?

I don’t live in my home state. Raised in Illinois, I moved to Boston for college, a situation you may relate to. This means that my family has given up a lot for me to just live here, on top of paying for tuition. So who am I to not make the most of my time here?

Plus, this view at dawn is pretty cool.

Some people call me crazy. “You’re doing so much. Why would you do this to yourself?”

But we’re at a time in our lives where we are supposed to be a little crazy. To be honest, we’re young, and life is short. It’s not long before the nature of life will take over, our metabolisms will slow down, and we may start a family and have a stable job. This is the time to do everything you’ve ever wanted and more. An early morning alarm clock may be the key to doing just that.

So try it out. Make it a realistic goal by setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier every week. Gradually work yourself toward an earlier time and see how much work you can do in the mornings. You’ll be surprised by how much you can do when the rest of the world is sleeping.

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About The Author

Christina is a Junior at Boston University, majoring in Dietetics and minoring in Communication. She is a tennis instructor at BU, an ACSM CPT, and writes blogs for multiple Registered Dietitians. She can be seen with her headphones in playing one of her Spotify playlists and/or shamelessly taking a picture of everything she eats. You can check her out at on Instagram.

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