These 5 things are so simple you might even wonder why I’m listing them.

The reason is exactly that. They’re so simple that people often overlook them and prioritize trips to the beach, movie dates with friends, and nights out instead. Don’t get me wrong, spring break is definitely the time to do those things as well (because #balance) but don’t forget to do the fundamental things too.

Whether you have a long weekend, a week, or more than a month off (perks of a UK university: 5 week spring break!), these 5 tips will help you get the most relaxing, refreshing time out of your spring break

1. Get some fresh air.

The weather is getting better, the sun is coming out, blue skies make a regular appearance, and flowers are blooming. Get out, get some fresh air. It’ll do both your mind and body good. They need it after a long winter with too many hours spent stuck in the library!

2. Spend time with family.

This is one of the most underrated things. I mean, I personally am a diehard family gal, but for those who are not, don’t forget to relish your time with family. They’re the people who are always there for you and love you unconditionally. Make them feel loved, too. They’ll appreciate it. Trust me, so will you. Parents and siblings are your best friends now and forever.

3. Eat well.

This can be interpreted two ways – and I mean it in both.

Which two ways, you ask? In this community, the natural instinct would be to take this as eating healthily. But eating well can mean eating a lot, it can mean eating to your heart’s content, it can be really enjoying your food. And you should do just that.

Now that you have more time, be more mindful about what you are putting into your body and at the same time eat whatever you want and makes you feel good. That piece of cake you “never had time” to enjoy during school? Eat it now. Feel like your body needs more greens? Eat more of them, too. Just eat! 

4. Work smart.

Work smart. If you need to do schoolwork over break, when you sit down to work, focus on what is in front of you. Don’t spend your “work time” scrolling through Facebook or . Make sure you take little breaks, too, as this will keep your mind alert. Also, don’t work too hard. You don’t want to feel like you never even had spring break.

5. Sleep.

No explanation needed!

Don’t forget to check out these great articles too:

About The Author

Tanvi is a student at the University of Cambridge across the pond in the UK! Family, friends and food are her favorite things. She is obsessed with all things chocolate, strawberry and nut-butter and even has a food blog called Strawberry Chocolate Concoction. A black belt in karate and former competitive swimmer, Tanvi loves staying fit and encouraging others to do so as well. She’s happiest when surrounded by the people she loves - a sprinkling of yummy food and sunny weather wouldn’t hurt either!

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