Beat the heat with a protein-rich bowl of chilled, super sweet nutrition.

Time: 10 minutes

When to eat it: Post-workout, breakfast, lunch, anytime

Perks: Gluten-free, allergy-friendly, paleo, IIFYM, rich in antioxidants, superfoods

Sh*t You Need:

For the smoothie:
1 cup unsweetend almond milk
1 scoop vanilla protein (I used Quest Vanilla)
1/2 frozen banana
Ice cubes
Spinach (use however much you’d like – get those greens in!)

For the toppings: 
25g banana
25g blueberries
Raspberry crumbles
2 tbsp chocolate protein (I used Quest Chocolate Milkshake)


The Recipe:

1. Blend all smoothie ingredients together. Add as many ice cubes as you need to make a deliciously thick consistency. I find that usually about 5-6 is good if you are using a frozen banana, and about 8-9 is good if you’re using a fresh banana.

2. Once blended, pour/spoon into a bowl. 

3. Top with sliced bananas, blueberries and some raspberry crumbles. 

4. To make the drizzle, mix the chocolate protein powder with just enough water to make an icing. Spoon it into a plastic bag, cut the corner then (pretending you're Cake Boss) drizzle away.

Recipe was contributed by Jordan Krause (Northeastern University/University of British Columbia). Check out her  for more. 

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