Why hit the gym alone? Get in a great sweat session and spend time with someone you love with this ab workout.

Planning to hit the gym with your special someone on Valentine’s Day?

Or maybe you’re feeling a little more like this:

Whether you’re in a relationship or not, I promise you can have some fun with this ab workout. Just grab a partner and get ready to feel the burn!

Time: 16 minutes 

Type of Workout: Abs 

Sh*t You Need: A partner, timer, medicine ball (preferably 8+ lbs)

Intensity: easy-high, depending on how much you push each other

Perks: Strengthen your core and have fun with your significant other (or just a friend!)

The Workout:

Complete each exercise for 45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest, 2x through: 

Partner . Slow and controlled movement is the most effective. Make sure your shoulder blades stay off the ground, so that your abs stay fully engaged. 

Medicine ball toss . Chest passes are a little safer and easier to catch. If you choose the overhead pass, keep the throw light so you don't hit your partner with too much force.

Partner . 

Oblique . Perform this standing for better range of motion. 

Partner . 
. Alternate between the two of you for each type of throw down (center, left side, right side).

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About The Author

Kelsey is a sophomore at Binghamton University in New York studying psychology. Some things she loves includes: taking spin classes, going on hikes, eating ice cream, and baking all kinds of fun desserts. If she's not in class or studying, she's probably at the gym or watching Parks and Rec on Netflix.

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One Response

  1. 7 Printable Valentine's Day Cards for the Health Nut in Your Life - Fit University

    […] Happy Valentine’s Day #fitufam! Remember the days of giving out vday cards to all your classmates? Well, we’re brining it back. We put together 7 Valentine’s Day cards for you to give your fit and healthy loved ones. Print one out and give it to them alongside one of these 8 healthy Valentine’s Day breakfasts then head to the gym for a Valentine’s Day partner workout.  […]